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The first idea of the project consisted on the design of a flowerpot using paper, seeds and organic fertiliser, thus eliminating plastic, the basis material it is nowadays made from. That way, we generate an alternative of this material creating an environmentally friendly container which, at the same time, provides the nutrients to the crops.

As we were going on with the project we realized that it had some aspects that made it unviable. Firstly, due to the features of the material, it made the product not waterproof, a key aspect in this kind of product which has to be watered. On the other hand, it had no sense to include seeds in a container for plants.

Due to those problems, we decided to rethink the project and design an alternative form for the way seeds are sold nowadays, keeping the goal of eliminating plastic while also giving a new use to the waste of newsprint which is generated daily.

Thus, we set out a product which joins together both features and at the same time, it makes easier the action of crops’ plantation.

We have experimented with paper pulp, making mixtures with different amounts water, paper pulp, organic fertiliser and aniline. This has allowed us to know which was the best way to carry out the composition of the pulp which forms the units and the band.

Initially we considered the graphic image of the brand based on engraved images and a logotype which combined sans serif and serif typefaces. Afterwards we observed it contained too much detail in order to be printed it with silk-screen printing. Therefore, we also rethought the graphic image of the brand and we replaced those images for pictures made with a sole line and greater thickness.

During the rethinking of the graphics we decided to spare the resources used and establish a better relation between the logotype and the type of images used; we have chosen to use black ink only and just one kind of sans serif type for the branding.

At first, we thought about presenting the paper strips folded in half, which was later deemed impossible, as the material would not resist the aforementioned fold.

Since from the first moment the roughness of the paper didn’t allow us silk-screening correctly the graphics, we thought about making a surface treatment to these; pressing them and smoothing its surface in the process of drying of the pulp, before printing it.



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